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Is the way LEOs have been tested for cardiovascular disease all wrong?

Heart disease in police: 90% of the clues we miss

A simple blood test promises to be a more reliable predictor of risk

January 18, 2024 04:45 PM • Laura Neitzel

Law enforcement officers experience an average life expectancy that’s 22 years shorter than the general public. So, why do law enforcement officers have an increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease compared to the civilian population? Is it mental stress induced by shiftwork, hypervigilance and psychological trauma? Is it lifestyle factors like diet, exercise and smoking? Is it the emotional seesaw of vast periods of boredom punctuated by moments of terror?

Jonathan Sheinberg, M.D., a sworn police officer turned cardiologist, has made it his mission with his partners at SIGMA Tactical Wellness to better understand why risk of sudden cardiac death is higher in law enforcement officers and what can be done to prevent it.

His most recent research focuses on how the risk of cardiovascular disease can be more accurately assessed.

I recently spoke with Sheinberg about what the research shows – and what simple blood test law enforcement officers should be asking their doctors to add to their annual physical assessment so their careers and lives are less likely to be cut short.

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